Realm of Chaos: Age of Sigmar Khorne Bloodreavers #3 July 23, 2021.
Bolt Action! 28mm British Valentine Tank Platoon (Season of Scenery Challenge) July 25, 2021.
M4A3 (Late) Shermans (Season of Scenery Challenge) July 27, 2021
15mm Flames of War DAK Grenadierkompanie Army – Completed! – Battlefront Miniatures July 31, 2021.
July 2021 – Personal Painting Round-Up September 21, 2021.
Battlefront Miniatures 15mm Panther Gs, Jagdpanthers and Stug IIIGs (Flames of War) October 3, 2021.
Kings of War: Vanguard – Battlefield Objectives Runestones/Standing Stones October 9, 2021.
Plastic Soldier Company 15mm Tiger I – Mid Production, Deutsches Afrikakorps/Panzerarmee Afrika for Flames of War October 25, 2021.
Plastic Soldier Company/Battlefront 15mm Panzer III Company – Deutsches Afrikakorps/Panzerarmee Afrika for Flames of War October 27, 2021.
Battlefront 15mm Panzer IV Company – Deutsches Afrikakorps/Panzerarmee Afrika for Flames of War October 29, 2021.
August 2021 – Personal Painting Round-Up October 31, 2021.
Dave Stone’s Season of Scenery Challenge 2021 – Personal Wrap-Up November 4, 2021.
September 2021 – Personal Painting Round-Up November 6, 2021.
Battlefront 15mm M4A1 Sherman Armoured Squadron – British 8th Army Desert Rats for Flames of War November 7, 2021.
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